A Message from the President
A Message from Children’s Advocates for Change President Dr. Tasha Green Cruzat
January 29, 2025
As citizens of the state of Illinois, we have a basic responsibility to all residents of the state – especially our children. It is the responsibility to see that they are healthy, educated, housed, fed, and clothed. It is a responsibility to see that no harm comes to them and to see that every child – regardless of that child’s race, ethnicity, or zip code – has the resources to thrive.
A person can be forgiven for questioning how many citizens still hold that sense of responsibility after watching the events of the past week and a half. A memo issued by the President’s Office of Management and Budget, then rescinded, to freeze and re-evaluate funding for a host of federal programs that at their core seek to provide the opportunity to successfully move forward in life. The demonization of parents who hold the same goal as every other citizen to see that they provide for their children and pave the way for a better life for them. There may be more efficient ways to provide programs and services to our children but let’s not make burning down the house the starting point.
In the last several years, Illinois has made great strides in providing needed health care to children and parents, creating new enrollment opportunities in early childhood education and care, and increasing funding for our K-12 school system to promote greater educational opportunities for everyone. No matter what actions the federal government may undertake in the next 60 days and beyond, it would be a shame to let those activities curtail the progress we have made in our state.
In Illinois, we cannot stand by, point towards Washington D.C., and say “look at what they are doing”. We can’t play the blame game. We tried that from 2015 to 2017 when Illinois had a budget impasse. The result was a lot of damage to the lives of many Illinois citizens.
We need to demand from our state and local officials that we stand for the advancement of all our citizens. If that requires more revenue, then we need to find it. Stripping away funding for schools, early childhood services, health care, and housing isn’t going to clear the path forward. It will only put up more barriers that we have worked so hard to remove.
In this time of turmoil, Illinois citizens need to resolve to stand together as one community. We need to take particular care to help our children who, in some cases, may be too young to help themselves. Children’s Advocates for Change will be there every day to wage the fight for needed programs and services. Our resolve to stand together as one community, even if it will mean difficult conversations, will only make us stronger.
Dr. Tasha Green Cruzat